Happy Birthday YellowHouse!
3 Years………
Happy Birthday YellowHouse!!! It is hard to believe we are already 3 years old!

I still remember sitting in my living room with all of my family talking about the pros and cons and the time & effort and all that would be involved if we decided to open our doors. Without hesitation, all of them agreed it was a must!
After much design, shopping, tagging, arranging and praying it was opening day! I was sure no one would come. After we joined in a circle to pray over this crazy journey we looked up to see people lined up down the sidewalk. It was a crazy busy day with record sales and only a few tops left flapping in the wind on the walls. That is when I knew God was up to something bigger than me! In 6 short months, we were buying a 4700 sq foot building and remodeling for our big move downtown!
That's a crazy move & it's way too soon! I heard this 1000 times but I also witnessed God open doors only he could open and so we walked thru them. 3 months of remodeling, buying & buying, moving, setting up and it was time for the Grand Opening! I am sure Mike and I stood outside and greeted people for 30 minutes as they poured thru the doors! It was such a fun day and we were so well supported by our community and friends!
Fast forward and here we are at 3 Years Old!!!! In 3 years we have built a community of friends and supporters. In 3 years we have poured into our schools and athletics, teachers and faculty. In 3 years we have celebrated all the Holidays, Herbal Affair, cancer survivors, women who have lost weight or gained, all the precious new babies, weddings, birthdays, friendships and losses. As much as we love clothing and style nothing could replace the people. The people are why we show up day after day!
So thank you to our community, our people! We know we are nothing without you and we would not be where we are today without your support!
Happy Birthday YellowHouse here’s to another great year!!!!